Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Can I Submit the Same Essay to a College Twice?

Can I Submit the Same Essay to a College Twice?Can I submit the same essay to a college twice? It is a common question amongst students. The answer is actually a very long one. So lets get into it shall we?If you are submitting your paper for the grade then you can submit the same essay twice but only once to your college's school page. The reason is pretty simple. Your professor would be on the lookout for the same papers and if they did happen to come across two essays that are nearly identical they would be more likely to pick your other version of the paper.However, if your version was graded slightly higher than the other then it may not be good enough for different grades, and again they may choose your other version for the college. So again the answer is that you can submit your essay twice but only once to the college.If your paper is a final then you may be in luck because they are going to give you more leeway as far as having them graded. You do have to keep in mind that you need to submit them to a college twice because the professor is going to be using the same one twice also. And if you have two versions that are slightly different from the one that you submitted to them would get looked over twice.The other thing to keep in mind is that you need to make sure that the college will be able to pick up your essay twice. So they may have to be sent to two different places in order to pick them up. This does not mean that they are going to pick the wrong one by any means, but it does mean that if they do send it to two different places then the chances are that it would be a much better paper to them than yours.If you are unsure of whether or not you should submit your essay to them multiple times, then ask someone in the admissions office if they could give you a couple of free copies of your essay. If they say yes then it is okay because you will have some company to help you with this process as well.It is always a good idea to have a friend or tw o who has done this before to offer up their opinion as well. You don't want to submit your essay to the same place too many times because the professor may choose it and they may not. Instead you want to have a person that can make some kind of difference between your essay and the one that they choose.So again, if you want to know the answer to the question can I submit the same essay to a college again, the answer is yes. You can submit the same essay to a college and have them send it two different places.

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